Monday, November 07, 2011

The Rural Part of My Commute

The term "rural-urban fringe"  was one coined by my old geography professor.  It's supposed to represent an area beyond the suburbs.  As far as I can tell, this describes where I live, and hence the title of my BLOG.
To that end, here are a couple of shots of the rural part of my commute.

We live below an escarpment that actually stretches for hundreds of miles.

Notice that the trees at the top of the escarpment have had all their leaves blown off by the winds coming overtop, whereas the leaves below are still attached.  This time of year always reminds me of the trainset design I had as a kid.

Today it will reach a high of 15 C - incredible!  Usually the mornings are still crispy-cool no matter the forecast high but not so much today.  It was almost balmy.  I am looking forward to my ride home because I first need to do a couple of on-the-job errands - this means extra riding for me!

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